Friday, April 13, 2012

Samuel Max

Samuel Max Swenson was born on March 29th 2012 at 6:20 pm. He was 8lbs 8oz and 20 inches long. I had a scheduled c-section so everything was pretty easy peasy -no crazy/exciting birth stories here :). I was kind of apprehensive going into this delivery because I had a new doctor and was at a new hospital, but other than that it was just like riding a bike lol. I'm pretty bummed because I didn't take very many pictures while we were at the hospital. What was I thinking?! I think I was just thinking that I wanted to be home with my other kids because they couldn't come visit us due to restricted visitor policies :(. 

Anyhow, Sam is an absolute angel!! I'm so excited because he's been great at nursing and I haven't had to supplement with formula at all. With all 3 other kiddos I wasn't able to nurse that long and they still took bottles at the same time. Our first couple of nights at home were a bit rough but each night he's sleeping better so I'm hopeful it won't take long before he's sleeping through the night.

All 3 kids seem to be adjusting and loving their new little brother. At first Gabe thought we had brought home an alien or something and wouldn't even really acknowledge him. After a few days he was saying his name and just in the last week he's started giving him kisses and showing him affection. Cairi was immediately in love with him. She tells me at least 100 times a day, "I love Sam Sam, he's so cute mom!". She also loves to bring him toys and lay them on his blanket or play "I got your nose" with him (even if he's asleep). She's a really big help to me when Chris is at work. She loves doing easy things like bringing me diapers, letting the dog out or checking on the other kids if I'm nursing and can't get up. People will say to me "I don't know how you do it!" - but I think the kids do more than me. They're so good with each other and play together so well. Gabe will bring his sisters their sippy cups and say "here you go seedy (sweetie)". They definitely help take care of each other. Penelope also loves her new little brother. She's very intrigued with him and will randomly come stare at him and just smile. She also thinks it's silly to steal his binky and put it in her mouth.

All in all, having 4 kids has been amazing. I'm so excited to have all my kids here and to feel like we're a complete family! I just watch them throughout the day and am constantly in awe of the fact that they're mine. I feel so blessed that they're all happy and healthy and that I get to be their mommy.
 First bath!! I wish I'd had one of these pillow bathers with my first two kiddos. So much nicer than the big plastic ones!


Shanna said...

i love him. what a beautiful boy!
its prob so nice to have all your pregnancies done, now you can just enjoy your little ones. sheesh girl...i better get going to catch up with you! (we want 4 too)

such an adorable fam morgan! we need to get together and do a play date soon. (some of my old high school buddies do one, if you'd ever want to come...just say the word)

Lindsay said...

He is so adorable! And you look WAY too cute to have just had a baby! :) Congrats on your new addition. That's so fun that your family is now complete :)