Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Everyday Happiness

We finally uploaded all the pictures from Chris' iPhone onto our computer since we use it so often as our primary camera. I'm really good at forgetting my regular camera or not having it charged. I was looking through all the pictures and was surprised to find that they go all the way back to last year when we had Penelope!! It was way fun looking back on pictures that I'd completely forgotten we even took. I'm just going to post some of my favorites. 
 This is from last summer when Chris taught Cai how to ride her tricycle all by herself!
 I love when I can catch the kids playing by themselves -just having so much fun with something that they're totally content.
 Cairi usually sleeps in our bed but on this particular night she was sleeping in her room and Marv had jumped up on the bed with her.
 This is how my kids have to watch TV or movies. I have so many pictures like this lol.

 Who doesn't love playing in the kitchen cabinets while mommy is cooking?
 One day when both the kids fell asleep on the floor with me. They weren't asleep yet but fell asleep shortly after Chris took this pic. Penelope fell asleep in my lap even though there was minimal room for her with my big belly.
 Cookin' up some more mischief in the kitchen.
 This was just a couple months ago. I was folding laundry on the floor and Penelope (who is my resident snuggle bug) climbed up in my lap to cuddle. She does this a lot and then usually gets down after a few and continues playing. Instead she just passed out in my arms like a little newborn.
I love sleeping pictures! Fell asleep in her beanbag.
The kids LOVE their extended family. We spend a lot of time at my moms and all 3 kids love climbing on Uncle James or sitting on his lap. 

Days at our house are so much the same, but it's the little things like this that really make each day unique and special. I'm so grateful I get to stay home with my kids everyday and experience all these seemingly "everyday/normal" occurrences. I think I've said it in my posts a lot lately, but I can't believe we're going to be completing our family in a matter of weeks! We've already created so many fun memories and now we get to bring one more little miracle into the world!

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