Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday Posts -Temple Lights/Christmas Card

Just like they are for everyone, the holidays were pretty busy around here so I haven't had a chance to post about the fun things we've been doing. Instead of making one ginormous post with lots and lots of pictures I'm going to break em up.

About a week before Christmas we went and walked through the Temple Lights with The Swenson family. Cairi had a lot of fun because she reallllly loves hanging out with her cousins lately and of course she loved seeing all the lights. Penelope slept through the entire thing -she zonked out about 2 minutes before we got out of the car and didn't wake up til we put her back in. It was pretty cute and I guess that means we bundled her up enough! Gabe had fun seeing the lights and saying "Chee" or "Sta" (star). He did pretty good in his stroller but once he saw the water all he wanted to do was jump in, he was pretty sad that he couldn't. It was a fun night despite the cold and how busy it was. 
 The stroller babies! Two cute dudes and my sleeping beauty.
 Cai and her "best friend" as she refers to Cassy :)

Obviously this is a little late, but we hope your holidays were wonderful! Here's a Christmas Greeting from yours truly, the Swenson fam!

1 comment:

The Andrews said...

It was a cold night! I love the picture with all the little ones bundled up! Cassidy feels the same way about Cairi! Just the other day she asked me if Cairi could come play with her at our house! So sweet! :)