Thursday, January 5, 2012

Carriage Ride and Christmas Eve

So this year we had the opportunity last minute to take the kids on a carriage ride with my mom and it was SO much fun! We were able to get a carriage that was big enough for all of us to go together and once we were in the carriage it was surprisingly toasty. If you've never been on one you should check em out! The kids loved it!

 Opening jammies at Grandma Kelly's!

 Grandma Kelly always finds us the best new books to add to our collection!
 Every year we read "grateful" letters at Grandma and Grandpa Swenson's house and then open the traditional jammies!
 This year Santa brought some "misfit" stuffed animals for the kids to open too!

 This zebra had the wrong color stripes but Santa still wanted him to have a home :)

 We sleep over at Grandma Kelly's house on Christmas Eve! The kids had a blast!! They were so cute sleeping in their sleeping bags. They were definitely excited for all of us to be having a big sleepover.

 They were so pooped and excited for Santa to come that they didn't have any troubles falling asleep.

All the loot after me, my mom, and Aunt Lauren set everything up. Of course these were our presents combined with those from Santa and grandma, but we barely had room to sit and open the next day. So fun!!! I'm so excited to keep up the tradition of sleeping at grandma's. I had a friend in high school who did this with her family and I knew I wanted to do it with mine when I had kids.

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