Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Little Bean

I feel bad because I haven't blogged very much about our newest family member, Penelope! I haven't blogged very much in general, but I thought I'd make a little post dedicated to her. She recently had her check up and boy is she little -at least compared to my other babies. Really she's not that little at all, but I'm used to having chunks! She weighed just over 16 lbs and was in the 75th percentile. Cai and Gabe were always in the 90's or 100's. She is also the first baby I've had that hasn't had a full head of hair at birth. 

Penelope is my little sweetheart, she is the most precious baby. She's a mommy's girl and every time she sees me she gets the biggest smile. There's no love like a baby's love! Right now she's rolling over and jabbering A LOT! She says mama and dada occasionally and loves her baby food. So far there isn't one thing she won't eat for me, even peas! Her other favorite person these days is Cairi. She will laugh and laugh and laugh at Cairi, it's the cutest thing ever! Having her here has been so awesome!! It's definitely always busy at our house but it has been so much fun having our kids so close. I was a little sad not to be having one this year, it would have been cool to have 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. I also get a little jealous when I see other pregnant people. Haha, in the meantime though 3 babies is a blast!
 Cai really REALLY loves helping me with Penelope, actually with just about everything!

The only way she smiles is with her mouth WIDE open, like she's going to eat you.

Fell asleep in her bouncer, so cute. 


Yvonne [Tried and Tasty] said...

Oh look at Baby P! Just as cute as a button. Makes sense though, she's got the cutest brother and sister and most gorgeous parents :) Dude Morg - you LOVE being pregnant - I hope I'm like you someday. I'm really surprised you guys didn't go for number four this year, I wouldn't have been shocked in the slightest :)

The Andrews said...

Yay! Welcome back to blogging! :)

Love the nickname Nelly Belly! So cute! Can I just say how lucky you are that she will eat anything? We are struggling big time with Kyson right now. Not so much fun! Anyways, way cute pictures of the kiddos!