Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

We love hanging out at grandma Kelly's house and a couple of weeks ago she surprised the kids by having the pool out for them. Needless to say they had a blast and it's much nicer than trying to take the kids to a public pool. I was so excited because I actually got some really great photos -complete with them looking at the camera and smiling... at the same time!


The Andrews said...

Super cute pictures! I just LOVE the girls swimming suits! I tried getting Cassidy one like that but she is so skinny that the bottoms wouldn't stay on. :( Needless to say I think she will be stuck in the old style for a while! lol!

We seriously need to get all the cousins together for a BBQ and we can put the pool out for all of them! Let's plan something! :)

The Ostlers said...

That pool is fantastic...I may need to invest in one just like it :) Your kids are so dang cute!