Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's Beginning...

YAY!! It's the holiday season! We love the cold weather in our house and we especially love the holiday season. I was thrilled when I saw it snowing outside last night and even more excited that it was still there this morning to show the kids. I was half tempted to turn on some Christmas music -but worry not, I refrained. This is the first winter season that both Cai and Gabe have been big enough to really play in the snow and they had a blast with the little bit that we had in our yard. I was lucky that their snowsuits from last year still fit and while their snow boots didn't we were able to use their rain boots!
Gettin' geared up!

Gabe kept saying "NO!" for snow. So cute!

Cairi trying to make a snowman on her own.
Miss Nelly Belly watching from inside.
This is what having kids is all about! Watching them become best buds is amazing!!
Best daddy ever decided to get his gloves and hat on to help make Mr. Snowman.
Bundled up Penelope so she could watch with me from the patio. She didn't even try to wiggle out of my arms which I thought she would. She was just in awe of the snow and had so much fun watching!

The finished project! We had to improvise so we used oreos for the eyes and licorice for the mouth. What a great start to the winter season!

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